BeARA weekly activities Senior Elastix & Tai-Chi. BeARA fortnightly activities Kurling, monthly Tenpin Bowling usually 1st Tuesday of the month and Bi-Monthly Walks. See "Diary of Events" for all forthcoming activities.

Short Mat Bowls.

Sadly, Now Discontinued due to insufficient support.

Last Meet up was 1st June  2022


It's Over !! Our Short Mat Bowls Section has finally ended.

This was one of the first sections to start up after BeARA was formed in 1998, so it's really sad to see it go.

Looking back through the attendance book from the 1st July 2002, when we started using the Drill Hall, Boxley Road, Maidstone, each Wednesday morning for 3 hours, we had approximately 40 players using this facility. Numbers gradually dwindled down to approx. 25 before lockdown, but the section was an enjoyable place to be each week. I am not sure if the rent for the hall ever increased over the years, as we were paying £1.30 for three hours of bowling enjoyment.

Unfortunately, locktown took its toll, and we were late in returning to the hall. The rent had risen to £35 per session, which required 14 members to attend, and pay £2.50p, each week to break even, but over 9 weeks we lost £150.

SMB Last Session Players

One of our members, the late Roy Broomfield, designed and built the sturdy wooden box shown above for all the equipment to be stored in, and is still being used today.

Our members who attended the very last session on Wednesday 1st June 2022 say goodbye.

Dave Finch.