BeARA weekly activities Senior Elastix & Tai-Chi. BeARA fortnightly activities Kurling, monthly Tenpin Bowling usually 1st Tuesday of the month and Bi-Monthly Walks. See "Diary of Events" for all forthcoming activities.

Walking Groups.

We currently have a walking group.

Our Bi Monthly Walk With David & Janet Leech. is a group of walkers who tend to aim for a walk of 3.5 - 4 Miles. Various areas and routes are chosen and usually end in a pub for Lunch. It is currently one of our most popular activities. 

Weekly Stroll Mote Park 

Ron and Addrienne are organising weekly walks around Mote Park. We meet by the café in Mote Park, Situated next to the main children's playground at 10:00AM on Monday mornings BUT NOT the first Monday of the month as this clashes with the committee meeting. Hounds welcome. Anyone interested please contact 

Ron or Addrienne