BeARA weekly activities Senior Elastix & Tai-Chi. BeARA fortnightly activities Kurling, monthly Tenpin Bowling usually 1st Tuesday of the month and Bi-Monthly Walks. See "Diary of Events" for all forthcoming activities.


Our type of Tai Chi is Yang style. This is the name of the Chinese family that have developed and taught Yang style Tai chi for many hundreds of years. There are many different Tai Chi styles but we at BeARA only practise Yang style as a physical and mental fitness and health  aid. The empty hand style (No weapons) we carry out has over 100 stances divided into 3 parts and is called the Long Form, however many of these stances are repeated in all 3 parts. 

Our teacher is Steve Martin who also teaches other martial arts and has been learning and applying Tai Chi for over 20 years. The more obvious advantages of Tai Chi are an improvement in general fitness and Balance. It is suitable for all ages but in our case the students are mainly from 50 years of age upwards. Learning Tai Chi takes time and it is a lifetime study. 

As the sessions are part of the BeARA programme it is a requirement that regular attendees become at least an associate member of the association