If you were there you can Reminisce
If you were not there you will know what you Missed
If your NOT a member you can see what you're Missing! - Contact Addrienne Lawrence for membership enquiries.
2nd October 2020 Holiday to Blackpool Illuminations CANCELLED
40 Members had planned to have a short break in Blackpool to see the illuminations but as with everything else this year was CANCELLED due to the Coronavirus.
3rd September 2020
Segway Tour at Leeds Castle (2nd Group)
Another group of 8 members took part in a Segway tour of Leeds Castle Grounds although there was some drizzle while we were training this stopped so we had a most enjoyable tour on these incredible machines.

A short film of this event appears below Click on the video player below to view.
25th August 2020
Segway Tour at Leeds Castle. POSTPONED due to Storm Frances. See Above.
3rd August 2020 Committee Meeting (Virtual)
28th July 2020 Our First Actual Group Activity since Lockdown
Segway Tour at Leeds Castle (1st Group)
Eight members made their way to Leeds Castle to take part in a Segway tour of the park once the necessary PPE had been donned they were introduced to their Segway and given some one to one tuition before being led around the park by the instructors, a most enjoyable time was had by all.

Why not give it a go for more information visit Segway Tours at Leeds Castle Website Click Here
6th July 2020 Committee Meeting (Virtual as in May)
2nd July 2020 Trip to Duxford Museum & Cambridge
This trip was planned and again Cancelled due to the CoronaVirus.
24th June 2020 Theatre Trip to the Piccadilly Theatre London
Was scheduled to take place to see "Pretty Woman - The Musical" but was CANCELLED due the the Coronavirus Pandemic.
15th June 2020 Main Meeting
Today, we should have been listening to Martyn Harrison, celebrating 36 years of British Musical Theatre, The person some of us saw at The KentARA Christmas Concert 2019. He has been re-booked for Monday 21st June 2021, ( We suspect the presentation should then be called 37 years of British Musical Theatre).
1st June 2020 Committee Meeting (Virtual as in May)
18th May 2020 Main Meeting- Don’t Sneeze at the Microphone’ -
by Wilf Lower CANCELLED due to Coronavirus.
12th May 2020 Mystery Tour
Today a record number of members were to be enjoying our 2020 “Mystery Tour”. Unfortunately, this and other outings organised for your enjoyment this year, will not be happening as a result of The Covid-19 academic.
11th May 2020 Committee Meeting
Again we would not normally report the event of a committee meeting but as there was various business to discuss it was decided to hold a meeting as scheduled for today.
Last week it was more of experimental dummy run to test the technology of Zoom.
7th May 2020 Traditional High Tea at the Ritz
Sixteen members were due to don their best apparel (suits for the men and cocktail dresses for the ladies) to travel to London and partake in the the extravagance of a Traditional Afternoon Tea at the Ritz.
But of course this has like all other activities has been postponed thanks to the Coronavirus Lockdown.
4th May 2020 Committee Meeting (Dummy Run)

We would not normally report on a committee meeting, but these are not normal times.
Although as BeARA is effectively shut down the committee held a Virtual Meeting on "Zoom" ably hosted by James who kindly set up and guided us through the process. Unfortunately despite considerable efforts Ron was unable to join us.
Despite there not being much "business" to discuss it was very nice to see other members again for a virtual chat.
21st April 2020 Trip to Windsor including River Trip. POSTPONED
Would have been a lovely spring outing in the sunshine, but this was not to be because of the Corona Virus Covid-19 lockdown,
20th April 2020
Main Meeting ‘I am a Tulip’ : Jacqueline Aviolet CANCELLED
2nd April 2020
Social Meeting "Getting to know you" CANCELLED
16th March 2020
Main Meeting Guide Dogs for the Blind CANCELLED
15th March 2020
All Activities Suspended, Cancelled or Postponed until further notice (Due to the Corona Virus)
5th March
Social Meeting - Music & General Knowledge Quiz by Brian & Lynn Philpott
About 35 members attended our March Social Meeting for the ever popular Music & General Knowledge quiz. Refreshments were as usual provided by the Tea Team our thanks to them, a;so to Brian & Lynn for compiling the quiz.
3rd March 2020
Tenpin Bowling - March Meetup
17 members joined the March session for a "normal" meet up.
Top scores of players who attained 100 or more at this session are as follows:
Shirley Miller 108
Jim Patton 136
Dave Flexman 125
Grahame Lock 120
Graham Morecraft 119
Ron Lawrence 107
Richard Hassell 104
17th February 2020
Main Meeting - Elastix Demonstration - AGM - Presentations
Prior to the AGM our Elastix Group gave a demonstration of a selection of their exercises.
On their penultimate routine their numbers were augmented with some reluctant volunteers from the audience who managed well to follow the instructions of Wendy.
Pam Longhurst Has been an enthusiastic member since BeARA began in 1998 and served on the committee for almost as long.
Although she has decided to retire from the committee she has commendably offered to continue to produce and edit the monthly newsletter.
Our sincere thanks to Pam.
Shortly before the conclusion of the meeting a cheque was presented to a representative of The Heart of Kent Hospice that was our chosen charity for 2019.
12th February 2020
The Adult Panto - "Peter Panties" Orchard Theatre, Dartford
Twelve members ventured up to The Orchard Theatre Dartford on Wednesday 12th February 2020, to see the Adult Panto. One of our members, Pam Longhurst was asked out by our chairman, in recognition of her 20years as a BeARA committee member.
Pam was collected from her home by car, and driven to the theatre, where wine was consumed, before enjoying a fast, furious and very funny show, or as a review stated, “Its like a Carry on film, made by a rugby club”. Nearly lost one of our group after the show, but soon found, and everyone was returned to their homes safely, after a lovely evening out.
4th February 2020
Tenpin Bowling - February Meetup
21 members joined the February session. As mentioned last month our 2019 Men's Champion was not at the January Meetup so as speculated he was presented with his prize and trophy this month. Well done Graham for attaining the top score of 182.
Top scores of players who attained 100 or more at this session are as follows:
Ladies Top Scores
Barbara Hawkes 132
Mo Garforth 119
Pauline Lock 109
Pauline Horsley 109
Mens Top Scores
Peter Humphrey 200
Jim Patton 159
Graham Morecraft 152
Paul Jenkins 135
Richard Hassell 117
Ron Lawrence 117
Dave Flexman 117
Grahame Lock 112
Dave Kent 109
30th January 2020
Club Outing - Tina The Musical - Aldwych Theatre London.
A full coach had a good journey into London arriving in in time for some retail therapy or a leisurely lunch before making our way to the theatre where the show for most if not all of our party certainly exceeded our high expectations.
Regrettably a number of our members had to pull out of the trip at quite short notice and we offered these places to DoARA and MaidARA and a couple of guests who kindly took up these seats at short notice. Our thanks to those people.
29th January 2020
Short Mat Bowls - Lunch & Presentation at Bearsted Golf Club.
Following an intense internal singles tournament held on the 20th November at our normal meeting place the Drill Hall, Boxley Road where Chris Patton came out the winner beating her husband in the final.
Her trophy was presented by Dave Brown after a splendid lunch at Bearsted Golf Club.
Chris & Jim (above) are the Short Mat Bowls group organisers so congratulations to both of them on the achievements.