BeARA weekly activities Senior Elastix & Tai-Chi. BeARA fortnightly activities Kurling, monthly Tenpin Bowling usually 1st Tuesday of the month and Bi-Monthly Walks. See "Diary of Events" for all forthcoming activities.

2024 Activity Reports

If you were there you can Reminisce
If you were not there you'll know what you Missed
If your NOT a member you can see what you're Missing! - Contact Addrienne Campbell-Lawrence for membership enquiries via the "Contact Us" tab above.


23rd July 2024 Racing at Lingfield Race Course.

Lingfield Races 2Lingfield Races 1

Lingfield Races 3

Lingfield Races 4

A group of 54 had a great afternoon at the races. We were joined by some friends from MaidARA, CalARA and LoARA. Setting off from Grove Green we arrived just before the first race. Everyone managed to eat and drink and, after a slow start getting to grips with the bookies, we all managed to place bets on most races. There were both winners and losers but it was a very enjoyable experience.
So lucky with the weather and we returned back about 7pm to count up our winnings!!
Thanks to everyone for making it such a lovely afternoon and in fact a number have asked whether we could do it again.

15th July 2024 Main Meeting Graham's Summer Soiree.

101 members attended our Summer Soiree again provided by our resident DJ Graham Morecraft, we were also provided by a set of songs sung by our own member Chrissie Sandell.

Summer Soiree July MM

4th July 2024 Social Outing Kentish Lady River Cruise inc. Fish & Chips.

The sun shone on the 54 members of BeARA who went on a lovely relaxing 3 hour cruise up the river Medway to Teston on the Kentish Lady.

Once everyone was seated we were given our fish and chip lunch and a hot drink, we could then buy further drinks from the bar.

The crew looked after us very well, describing the various landmarks and history as we went by, and navigated the locks smoothly.

Whilst everyone chatted amongst themselves, we were able to have a good nosy at the houses and properties along the river bank.

We saw families of swans, geese, ducks and lots of dragonfly's.

On our return and with time to spare we went under the two main bridges in Maidstone before turning back by the football stadium, docking back where we started.

Some photos taken during the event by curtesy of Lee Skam.

Kentish Lady Trip2Kentish Lady Trip1

Kentish Lady Trip3

2nd July 2024 Tenpin Bowling 

Our regular monthly meet up was attended by just 7 members, although a small group and scores today were quite low an enjoyable session was had by the attendees. Top Scores today were:

Ladies: Diane Huddart - 113 Well done Diane.

Men: Grahame Lock - 112

21st June 2024 Mid-Summer Charity Disco

Mid summer Charity Disco

Our first Mid-Summer Charity Disco was very much enjoyed by over 50 of our members, with most of the expenses being paid by BeARA, the entry ticket included a lucky number for a prize and a collection bucket was taken round for donations. 

The Evening commendably swelled our club's chosen charity fund by £419.00 our thanks to our generous participants who supported this event.

Our thanks also to Bob & Barbara Abnett for organising this event and to Graham Morecraft for providing the disco.

Picture Curtesy of Bob Abnett


17th June 2024 Main Meeting: Featuring Ciara Considine "Relaxation & Vitality through Music"


Ciara Considine Relaxation and Vitality through Music

At today's main meeting we were entertained by Ciara Considine who provided a near record crowd of 119 members with song sheets and had us singing at the top of our voices. With a huge amount of audience participation the vast majority of the attendees seemed to thoroughly enjoy the afternoon. 

For more information about Ciara visit her website by Clicking Here.


7th June 2024 Social Outing Brick Lane Music Hall.

Brick Lane Outside

On arrival at Brick Lane Music Hall it was not the classic picture of a theatre one expects to see. Being a repurposed former church.

Brick Lane Inside 

 Once inside the transformation is stunning with full stage lighting, sound system, bar and catering facilities to complete the atmosphere ready for a fabulous 3 course lunch and then our show entitled "From Rock to Pop".

From the decade of rock "n" roll, through to the iconic '60's, and onto the '70's we were taken on a journey with fun, comedy and great music all the way.
For more information about Brick Lane Music Hall Click Here.

Our Chairman's Report on this trip.

Wow! what a lovely outing we had on Friday (7th June), to The Brick Lane Music Hall in the East End of London. Although arriving there a little early, better early than being late, at 12:15pm we were allowed into this beautiful church, which was transformed into a Music Hall over 30 years ago, by the owner Vincent Hayes. We had excellent seats close to the stage, where we were served our 3 course meal of soup, Roast Chicken, with vegetables and potatoes, finished by a lovely cheesecake. It really was delicious. After a short break, to replenish our drinks, look around the building, or just pay a visit to the loo, the 2 hour show of music from the 50's 60's and 70's commenced. The six dancers/singers were excellent, getting us to sing along to all the music we love so much. Every now and then, Vincent would come on stage and bring tears of laughter with his humour and wit to the audience. A day to remember for a long time to come..

Our thanks to Dave Finch our Chairman for organising this fabulous trip.

4th June 2024 Tenpin Bowling

11 members attended our monthly meetup for our three games with best scores over 100

Ladies: Pauline Lock - 110

Men: Grahame Lock 121

Well done to team Lock

3rd June 2024 Bi-Monthly Walk with David & Janet Leech

Walk June 20240603

A very good number of 19 walkers joined the walk from Teston Bridge Country Park for a 3 mile circular walk in good sunshine and a comfortable temperature. 

It was encouraging to welcome some new members and nearly new members returning for their 2nd walk with us. 

Most adjourned to a pup afterwards for lunch that is the normal custom.

Our thanks to David & Janet for organising this event. 

14-22 May 2024 Holiday To Rhodes

Rhodes Holiday 2024 Some of our ladiesRhodes Holiday 2024 The GroupOur ten day holiday to Rhodes.

(More to follow)

13th May 2024 Main Meeting featuring the return of Nick Kelly "Duck Soup"

Nick Kelly Duck Soup

Today we were please to welcome the return of Nick Kelly also known as "Duck Soup" who again played many of our favourite songs from the 60's, 70's and the Rock & Roll Era.

A good turn out of 94 members attended.


7th May 2024 Tenpin Bowling

9 members joined in this month's meetup with top scorer's this month being:

Ladies Pauline Lock 130 well done Pauline for being top scorer of the day.

Men Dave Flexman 125

22nd April 2024 Main Meeting Featuring Speaker Richard Griffin Former Royal Protection Officer to the late Queen and the late Prince Philip.

Wow! Today yet another attendance record was set with 122 members who attended the well publicised event where we were privileged to welcome Richard Griffin former Royal Police Protection Officer to the late Queen and Late Prince Philip and what an interesting talk it was. 

With a PowerPoint Presentation of many photographs of the Royal Family of which related to incidents and experiences he had encountered during the many years of his career. 

There was also a table displaying many of his treasured mementoes including many photos medals and certificates etc.  

Richard indeed kept our attention for a solid hour. Fabulous talk and his fee and donations were to Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust that was of course our chosen charity for 2023.

16th April 2024 Tenpin Bowling

Our monthly meet up of our regular bowlers had just 7 members bowling, this was due to a number of factors, we were 2 weeks late as we avoid the school holidays when possible and we had several of our group away on a BeARA holiday to Torquay. Never the less we had an enjoyable session with the top scorers this month being:

Ladies: Diane Huddart - 105

Men: Grahame Lock - 111


15th-19th April 2024 5 Day 4 nights holiday to Torquay.

For those who went on our holiday to Torquay enjoyed the 5 day break away. They certainly got about, by going on the steam train along the coast, using the ferry over the River Dart, followed by a relaxing hours cruise. They went deep underground in The Kent Cavens which was most interesting, and some took a bus ride to Brixham on their day off, using their bus passes!! A nice hotel, perhaps dated, with good food and clean rooms, but they made the most of the amenities, the two indoor swimming pools, the lovely spa, the nightly entertainment, and the FREE drinks each evening from 6 to 11pm. They also had the time to venture out to see a very good variety show in Babbicombe one evening, and with 3 of our ladies winning the Bingo during the week, everyone was happy.

Some 38 of our members enjoyed break to Torquay below are just a few pictures of the holiday.

Pictures Curtesy of Dave Finch & Gillian Alexander

Torquay Hol 3 2024Torquay Hol 2 2024Torquay Hol 1 2024

Torquay Hol 4 2024


4th April 2024 Social Meeting Beetle Drive 

65 of our members attended our ever popular Beetle Drive we arranged for our April Social Meeting.

25th March 2024 Bi-Monthly Walk with David & Janet Leech

Hollingbourne Bi-Monthly Walk Route

Fourteen of our members joined David & Janet making a total of Sixteen at The Sugar Loves Pub carpark for a most enjoyable walk around Hollingbourne. Most returning to The Sugar Loves Pub for lunch.

It was good to welcome 5 new walkers to the group including Pete who is one of our newest Associate members.

Once again our thanks to David & Janet for organising this walk.

18th March 2024 Main Meeting Featuring Rob T. Ukulele Genius 

 100 of our members attended a most enjoyable afternoon with Rob T. playing the Electric Ukulele and singing many of our favourite songs. We were also treated to a cabaret of Irish tap dancing by one of our talented members Marilyn Harris, well done Marilyn.

Any member who attended this meeting and was unable to see Marilyn's intricate footwork should login to the members area and follow the link on the "Members Home Page" for a video clip. 

7th March 2024 Social Meeting Musical Afternoon with our own D J Graham

Angela & MichaelMarch 2024 Social Disco
It was so nice to see almost 70 of our members attend our March Social Meeting, with our own D J Graham Morecraft officiating with the entertainment.

It is also always gratifying for the committee to see members enjoying themselves on the dance floor. 

5th March 2024 Tenpin Bowling.

Our meetup today was attended by 9 members with top scores being:

Ladies Pauline Lock - 134


Dave Flexman - 114

12th February 2024 Main Meeting AGM

Presentation To Kent Air Ambulance

Our AGM meeting today was very well attended with 115 members present and commenced with a presentation of a cheque for monies raised for our members chosen charity Kent Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance for which a total of £1,568.88 was raised throughout 2023 and presented to the KSS Air Ambulance Representative Fran, who gratefully received the cheque.

Managing Arthritis with Kyle Blackburn

Prior to the AGM formalities we were given a presentation on "Managing Arthritis by Kyle Blackburn.

It was amazing how Kyle was able to present such a serious subject with such a humorous presentation on the various types of Arthritis what the effects are and how to live with the symptoms, this was particularly interesting to to our members given the type of association we are.

Our thanks to Kyle for his presentation today and we hope to see him in the future.

After our traditional cup of tea and biscuit it was down to the normal business that included voting for our chosen charity for 2024 that was McMillen Cancer Support by a narrow margin.  

At the April 2023 Committee Meeting it was decided by those present (the webmaster was absent due to testing positive for Covid at the time) to present the member who logged in to the members area of our website the most times during 2023 with a small prize at the end of the year. 

Having noticed the winner Eileen Dunn enter the hall prior to the meeting all was set for the presentation after the end of the webmaster's report.

BUT! Unbeknown to the committee Eileen had to leave early due to a migraine so was unable to accept her prize. 

Thankfully Val Fuller offered to deliver the flowers to her door, 

Thank you Val.

6th February 2024 Tenpin Bowling

We as usual had our monthly Tenpin Bowling get together with 15 members participating. I was nice to welcome 3 new bowlers tour group. Highest scorers above 100 today were:
Ladies: Pauline Lock - 100
Men : Grahame Lock - 120 Certainly a family affair with "Team Lock" taking the lead.

1st February 2024 Social Meeting Games Afternoon

Our second Social Meeting of the year was attended by 61 members who had a most enjoyable afternoon playing a varied array of board games.


29th January 2024 Bi-Monthly Walk

9 members took part in the January bi-monthly walk around Kingshill, David our walk leader took the trouble to research the area and provided us with a guided tour giving us an interesting insight into the various points of interest, 
statues, works of art etc. On returning back to where we started the men adjourned to the Spitfire Pub for a pre meal drink, the ladies found a lengthy distraction in the form of some retail therapy in the Sue Ryder Charity shop. 

Our thanks again to Davis & Janet for organizing this walk.

15th January 2024 Main Meeting: CONCORDE A Supersonic Coverup

Concorde Super Sonic Coverup

We had a near record number of members (112) attend our January Main Meeting where everyone enjoyed a fantastic speaker Mr Guy Bartlett about CONCORDE in general but in particular the circumstances surrounding the tragic crash.

Clearly he has delved very deeply into the official crash report and compiled a very interesting and informative presentation.

We look forward to having him back for another presentation in the future about why Concorde is not flying today! 


9th January 2024 Tenpin Bowling.

10 members enjoyed our three games at our monthly session at Hollywood Bowl in Lockmeadow Maidstone. 

Unfortunately none of our ladies bowling today attained the score of 100 that we record.

Our highest scoring Man today was Dave Flexman who scored 137

4th January 2024 Social Meeting: Our ever popular Cash Bingo.

44 members enjoyed the popular Cash Bingo this afternoon.